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{pre-holiday bootcamp, day 1}: the more and less list

DAY 1: The More & Less List
If you haven’t read it yet, see yesterday’s post about this two-week pre-holiday minimalist parenting bootcamp. It’s time to create our holiday road map. I’m taking 15 minutes to jot down my more and less list, and I’ll refer back to the list over the holidays when events and opportunities pop up to see if they’re in line with my plan. I got some of my ideas for the more/less list from this great list of 18 things we should be doing more of (thanks, Amanda!).


holiday cards
books by the fire
impromptu dinners with neighbors
board games
homemade gifts
hot beverages & holiday music
calls to Grandma
town/city exploration


scheduled activities
mindless internet surfing
shopping and buying
long-distance travel

Let me know if you’re joining me in making a list! What would be on your holiday more/less list?