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doing as we please

We had planned to attend dinner at a friends’ house today, but the girls ended up with a croupy cough that sounds like the plague, so we scrounged together our own dinner at the last minute. It was delightful! I think it’s because we hadn’t planned ahead that we were able to enjoy it so much. Well, that and the fact that I have so much frozen and canned food that we could serve up, and that Nate offered to be my cooking buddy.

I took the photo above with my tripod. My random shots I took while I was figuring out how to work my remote control shutter give you a window into a bit more of our day…


My fleece-lined tights are the best. Also note the munchkins watching me from the mudroom…

Now we are watching Emma by the fire with our Bailey’s Irish cream. We watched Home for the Holidays last night. Do you have a flick you like to watch annually during the holidays?