Is instant nostalgia a blogger thing or is it a product of my generation? Whatever the reason, I’m enjoying the 2012 recaps I’ve been reading (see: mermag, local kitchen, Doodles & Jots). And since I did my own recap last year, I thought I’d make a tradition out of it and do another.
2012 was a fabulous year for us. It felt like a year of lots of accomplishments for me, including learning the doula craft, gaining another potty-trained child, and buying/moving into a house. The kids are at great ages, and although there are still times I scream “serenity NOW!” (read: when a cupful of water is purposefully spilled out of the bathtub), for the most part they are much easier to care for than this time last year. I wish I could say the same for my gut health, but after another round of gluttonous holiday feasting, I’m putting myself back on the caterpillar non-diet this week.
Where the blog is concerned, 2012 will be primarily remembered in this household as the year I began sharing my interest in heirloom recipes. I still plan someday to make a eBook of recipes to share with you. For now, here are some links to my favorites:
Based on pageviews, here are some of your favorite posts from 2012:
- homemade avocado nutella is the star still by far. I absolutely agree with its top status, as it’s the most delicious “healthy dessert” I can imagine making.
- jewel weed: natural poison ivy treatment pulls from my life-long knowledge of the plant, which I owe to summer camp. Store it up for next summer’s arsenal of natural healing tools.
- my minimalist manifesto. I’m proud of that post and am glad you liked it as much as I do.
- frugal grocery shopping…without coupons. My first hugely popular post.
- the crock pot: play more, cook less. I’m happy I was able to follow up on one of my goals for 2012 by figuring out more slow cooker recipes.
2012 was also the year I began working with other bloggers, both as a guest on their blog and having them write posts on my blog. Here are our most popular posts from the guest group:
- wardrobing 101. Sheri is so fashion savvy. I appreciated her smart ideas, especially the ones that let me use parts of one outfit again in other outfits.ย
- Alice asks: could you live without a refrigerator? My cousin’s inspirational post from a small farm in Portugal.
- the call of the summer wild. I shared links to articles of mine on Rhythm of the Home’s summer edition, including the hugely popular cheese crackers.
Here’s to another great year! Thanks for reading along, as always.