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A muppet named “Burp” and other joys of toddlerdom

I admittedly have been lax about sharing videos since Nate has been back from Iraq. But I just had to share this one, where I finally caught it on tape that she calls Bert (of Sesame Street) "Burp" and Cookie Monster "Cookie’s Water." Ok, so it’s probably much funnier to me, but I’ve been waiting since she was born for the hilarious toddler word mix-ups, such as my little sister’s "Skinny Pig" (i.e. Guinea pig) and "Baby Soup" (as in "bathing suit"). Guinea pig must just be one of those hard words to understand…Vivi calls them "Piggy pigs."

And of course, the main theme of the video is the "clean-up" game. If you’re wondering, no I do not suggest this as a game. She just grabs whatever napkin she can find and starts cleaning off her doll’s mouth…or, like in this video, the walls and floor. It’s really amazing how quickly children pick up their gender roles. Yes, I did buy her a doll with a stroller and a shopping cart, but this is only after she started putting her stuffed animals in a box and pushing them around the house. Clearly, I did not precipitate this game.


I can’t quite explain how thrilled I am that family and friends are finally slowly jumping on board with having children! I was beginning to wonder if we would be the only Gen X parents under 35. What’s in store for us this spring? We’re contemplating selling the house in case DC is experiencing a mini-bubble related to the $8k refund. Plus, when we have basement water issues, it doesn’t exactly leave us feeling warm and fuzzy. But then again we are finally content, and Nate is adjusting to the neighborhood. Having said that, I just got an advertisement on our front door by a major company that is ONLY written in SPANISH. Really???