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3 months old

We’re back from our 3-week trip to Atlanta, and it’s hard to believe we’ve only been back in the States for a month. It’s amazing how quickly re-assimilation happens. I am so happy to be home again and really enjoyed being in Atlanta with friends and family. Now it’s back to the routine…feeding, changing diapers, and napping. Genevieve has more personality every day, and I love motherhood as much as I thought I would. As hard as it can be, I still want to have more children. She can almost hold her head up by herself–right now she looks like a little bobblehead doll.
Last week she had her first two vaccinations, which led to a fever and swollen injection site. She was so uncomfortable and cried a lot that day, and then she had trouble sleeping for the next three nights. We also both caught a cold while we were home, so we’re finally getting over that. I’m still applying for jobs. My first interview, with the FDA, is next week. Our other main activity right now is looking to buy a house. We need to find a loan for nearly 0% down, which is next to impossible. However, as rental rates skyrocket to $2k/month and house prices continue to drop, we are desperate to get out of renting if we can. Plus, we have moved 7 times in 7 years, and we would love to be in a “permanent” home if possible.
I’ll write more when I can!